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When We Breathe 

What happens When we Breathe?

Een energieke montagevoorstelling over de zoektocht van 6 young black men over rituelen, helden, ademen, vallen en weer opstaan

Nederlands/Engels gesproken 

No subtitles

Regie: Toni Blackwell 

Regieassistent: Lisa Carreno 

Spel: Rashid Dijks, Julien Gouweleeuw, Erwin Kiene, Justin Kuijper, Gidion Rumai, Ernesto Samson 

Begeleiding: Rutger Esajas, Mich Simon, Sassan Yaghmai

Maandag: 28.06. Aanvang: 21:00 (en daarna doorlopend te bekijken)

"When we breathe, you see how we be

Stressed or at ease,

to the trained eye it becomes almost impossible to overlook

Know thyself and thou shalt know the Other,

you'll perceive, all those tiny little bits of information that you're ready to receive.

If you don't, nigga please.

And I don't just say please because of the 'nigga please'

I say please because the word please carries in it a plea, I plead to you.

Watch how we breathe. Please do.

Breaths tell us stories, and the stories follow a certain trend, that is, when the breath stops, the story ends.

Although, that depends, on what, to you, constitutes the story and to what end

Watch how we breathe

Did you catch it yet?"

Connecting Cultures Dreamworlds Heritage Opleiding Public debate Sensitivity  Spoken ENG Spoken NL Text-based Theatre